I was selling cards, prints, canvas bags and some original work. Overall it was a great experience, but I think I have learned a lot too. I'm glad that at least my stall didn't look empty (thanks to advice of Carmen of Craft Reactor :) )
If you didn't make it but are dying to buy my work, some of it will be available on my Etsy store :P
Here's a couple of pictures:

Special Great Thanks go to:
- Laura D., for spending 4 hours with me cutting cardboard, putting stuff in polypockets and doing other highly uninteresting things
- Riennahera, for spending even more hours with me at the stall keeping me company (and looking after it when I did a home-run caused by me forgetting my business cards
I wish I hadn't been working and could have come to see your delights. Sure the bank manager is pleased as would have wanted to spend so much monies. xx