Tuesday 29 July 2014

Bäckahäst - the Brook Horse

Slight delay here! This week a lot is happening for me, as I will most likely soon will have my very own and very first business premises/studio. I also decided this is the perfect time to try soemthing different with my creatures and this weeks will be in form of a comic... But here is a preview for you :)

It does actually take a very dark turn. My mom is sure to e-mail me later how she did not like the comic ;)


  1. Noooo, don't let's let it take a wrong turn wrong please....... :D

    Yay for the studio-thingy! Green with envy (okay, maybe very dark ocher yellow) :P

    1. Haha Dori but it HAS TO bäckahästar are EVIL! :P

      Next ne will be much nicer, promise! And then I might brave some orkadian myths :P

      Ochre yellow does suit you ;) I am SO EXCITED about this. I have butterflies in my stomach ;)

  2. I looked at the picture and couldn't believe there is going to be a dark turn.
