Sunday, 15 June 2014

Comics Nonsense

So I have been attendingthis little short comics class. It was great fun and on the last one we were meant to do a shortened version of the 24 hour day comic (24 pages over 24 hours). Classes were 2h long so we did a 2 page. It took much longer than two hours ;) for me it was more like 2h + 1h + 2h. Well, we can't have everything, can we? Anyway, here it is. :)


  1. Cool house! I want to see all her forest adventures!

  2. Ah yes! I know the 24 hours challenge :)
    I love comics and I want mooore of it :D

  3. Haha LOL
    Cool pictures on the walls of the house :))

  4. Very nice! hi hi... so, tell us the story of the ghostly relatives, too, pleeeeease!

  5. I love the bad taxidermy image on her necklace, it's so obvious ;))))

  6. Like it!! Curious to know what happens next!?

  7. I love comics! Great start, Zyzanna, we want more! :-) So happy to see that you have time to do this and cushions and... wow!

  8. Nice!!! I hope the rug wasn't another ancestor xD
