A girl with an eye dress. It was one of random scribbles in my sketchbook. I quite liked it so decided to scan it and color it. Quite fun... It's not extremely exciting tho ;)
Part three of the project. We were meant to draw a picture of a room, but not art college students room. Apart from that we could do anything we wanted. I did some drawings from Mr Chris' work, which also is conviniently round the corner from there I live. Then I put all drawings on bits of balsa and card and did this 3d room thing. I really enjoyed it since it's been ages since last time I did a sculptury project.
This is a design I made for the competition Edinburgh University Sub-Aqua Club has every year for a design that is to go on back of club hoodies. This year I was lucky and my design won :) Apparentely the idea has been kicking around the club for two years (?) but nobody has ever actually done it. I just couldn't resist I suppose :).
This is part 2 of the earlier mentioned project. It was to illustrate 3 phases of making a meal. Middle image is my favourite, could live without the others...
Frames are a result of the fact that I recycled old unfinished painting as a ground for the new ones - that's basically where the masking tape was. I really like that effect!
Part one of 3-part project for college (Eat This, My Room, At Home). This part was to illustrate a recipe and every person got a random different one. I decided to draw the Mrs Sandbach instead of the actual food, as this would be most likely boring. The requirement was to do it a5 in black and white. I did some preparation drawings of known (and not) chefs/cooks (below). I think I'm more happy with those than with actual fnal image.
This is a gift for my mom I painted in January. I can finally put it up here because she finally got it :) (Thanks go to my dear friend B. who played the role of delievery woman ;))
It was painted from a photo and in the background there are some fishes from Deep Sea World and a ray. I think the one in top left corner could have been a shark, but not sure...
Since I wasn't posting much lately (as I had some issues making myself want to scan and photograph recent stuff) I decided to dig up one of projects I did last year. It's one of college things, each person got a random creatures and random topic of their conversation (mine was ghosts talking about litter). I did for it one of my sculpturey things and it was good fun. Unfortunately, I spent so much on actual making of the characters that the plot isn't exactly amazing. Can't have everything!